
By 老子的魔仙堡


个人卖家: 此功能适用于参与专业销售计划的卖家。

您可以在卖家账户的【数据报告】选项卡下找到“业务报告”。亚马逊提供以下类型的“业务报告”:销售控制面板、业务报告(按日期和按 ASIN)以及亚马逊销售指导。这些报告的数据通常最多可以保留两年。



注意: 如果您使用卖家账户里所有可用的报告,您可能会发现一些差异。这是因为各种报告的数据都是围绕指定报告执行的服务而定。与实时数据相比,“业务报告”会延迟 24 小时。了解更多信息。


您可以通过“业务报告”查看企业买家的数据。您可以按商城汇总、企业买家和非企业买家进行筛选,还可以向业务报告添加新列,按日期和按 ASIN 显示企业买家的销售和流量详情。有关其他详情,请参阅下方的销售控制面板、按日期、按 ASIN 和其他业务报告。


Business Reports

Individual sellers: This feature is available to sellers with a Professional selling plan.

You can find Business Reports under the Reports tab in your seller account. The following types of Business Reports are available: Sales Dashboard, Business Reports by Date, and Business Reports by ASIN. Data for these reports is generally available for up to two years.

The Business Reports section offers a variety of reports. Available reports are listed in the left navigation bar. Available data columns for Business Reports (but not for the Sales Dashboard) are in the right navigation bar. To add or remove columns, select or deselect the corresponding check boxes. If you do not see the right navigation bar, mouse over to the far right. Click the vertical tab labeled Columns to keep the list visible. Click the handle again to hide it.

To learn more about what report data means for your business, see Sales success using Business Reports. To view terms and definitions used throughout Business Reports, see Business Reports glossary.

Note: If you use all of the reports that are available across your seller account, you might notice discrepancies across the different report types. Discrepancies are due to the way data is pivoted and based on the purpose of the report. Business Reports will have a lag of 24 hours when compared to the real-time data. Learn more.

Amazon Business Seller Program

Business Reports allows you to look at data for business buyers. You can filter by Marketplace total, Business buyers and Non-business buyers. Add new columns to show business buyer sales and traffic detail by date and ASIN. For additional details, see the Sales Dashboard and Other types of Business Reports below.






