
By 猎艳






  • 【管理订单】工具
  • 【订单报告】文件
  • 亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)API



  1. 从“订单”下拉菜单中,点击【管理订单】。
  2. 点击包含可定制商品的订单所对应的订单编号(例如 114-6923471-2011994)。
  3. 在“订单内容”部分的“商品名称”列下,点击该可定制商品的【显示更多】。然后点击【定制信息】。
  4. 【定制信息】页面会显示以下信息:
    • 买家为商品每个表面的各项定制提供的信息。
    • 您可以使用【下载】按钮,下载一个包含定制信息的 .zip 文件。
注意: Internet Explorer 可能无法正确显示【定制信息】页面上的详细信息。



  1. 从【订单】下拉菜单中,选择【订单报告】。
  2. 在页面左上角选择【新订单】或【未发货订单】。
  3. 点击【请求报告】。最新报告准备就绪后,在“下载”列中点击【下载】。
  4. 使用 Microsoft Excel 或其他电子表格程序打开该报告。
  5. 报告的最后两列分别为【定制信息 URL】 和【定制信息页面】。
注意: 要查看订单报告中的定制信息,请转至 【订单】 > 【订单报告】 。在右上角,点击【添加或移除列】链接。在【添加或移除订单报告列】页面上,向下滚动,选择【定制信息 URL】,然后点击【保存更改】。此操作会添加两列,其中包含您订单定制信息的链接,您可以将其下载为 .zip 文件。

定制信息 URL

点击该链接可以下载一个包含定制信息的 .zip 文件。关于该 .zip 文件的详细信息,请参阅下文。



亚马逊商城网络服务 API

重要: 您必须是亚马逊 MWS 开发者,才能发送订单请求。

您也可以通过 API 访问定制信息链接。要自动获取定制信息,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 在 https://developer.amazonservices.com 上注册 MWS API。
  2. 您将会获得 AWS 访问密钥、秘密密钥、卖家编号和商城编号。请保存上述信息,因为在调用 API 时需要输入以上信息。
  3. 要调用 MWS API,请按照以下步骤操作:https://developer.amazonservices.com/doc/bde/reports/v20090901/java.html/185-3700807-6689822 。
  4. 要生成“未发货订单报告”,您需要调用以下 API:
    • RequestReportSample API - OrderReportType as _"GET_FLAT_FILE_ACTIONABLE_ORDER_DATA"_。
    • GetReportListSample API - 返回报告编号。
    • GetReportSample API - 输入报告编号,并生成 xml 文件格式的未发货订单报告。

zip 文件中的详细定制信息

可下载的 .zip 文件包含不同的数据格式,具体取决于您的定制商品使用的是文字定制功能、选项定制功能还是图片定制功能。


注意: 在某些情况下,您可能会看到订单的某些 .zip 文件仅包含了 .JSON(JavaScript 对象表示法)文件,而其他文件除了 .JSON 文件可能还包含 .XML(可扩展标记语言)文件和 .JPG 文件。对于与这两种文件类型一起提供的 .JSON 文件,依旧会提供 【3.0 版】架构及其相关的定制数据元素。但是,在新版的 .JSON 文件中,还会在名为 【customizationData】 的其他架构中提供定制数据元素。

如果您订单的 .zip 文件仅包含 .JSON 文件:

  1. 将文件解压缩。
  2. 使用文本编辑器程序打开 .JSON 文件。(您也可以使用在线 JSON 查看器来读取 JSON 文件。)
  3. 找到 JSON 查看器。
  4. 从文本编辑器程序中复制文本,将其粘贴到您的 JSON 查看器中,然后点击【查看器】选项卡。
  5. 展开 【3.0 版】部分,您将看到文本及所选的字体和颜色和/或选择的选项和定价。


如果您订单的 .zip 文件包含 .JSON 文件、.XML 文件和 .JPG 文件:

  1. 将文件解压缩。
  2. 使用文本编辑器程序打开 .JSON 或 .XML 文件。(您也可以使用在线 JSON 查看器来读取 JSON 文件。)
  3. 找到 JSON 或 XML 查看器。
  4. 从文本编辑器程序中复制文本,将其粘贴到您的 JSON 查看器中, 然后点击【查看器】选项卡;对于 XML 文件,将文本粘贴到查看器中,然后点击【突出显示】或【树】以查看数据。
  5. 展开 【3.0 版】部分或 【customizationData】 部分,您将看到文本及所选的字体和颜色和/或选择的选项和定价。请注意 【3.0 版】的结构和内容与独立的 .JSON 文件相同。
  6. 为商品的每个表面都提供一个 .JPG 文件。每个 .JPG 文件都包含一张商品表面预览区域的图片,其中包含买家提供的定制内容。您可以用其手动验证买家在将商品添加到购物车时看到的效果。


注意: 如果您无法查看 JSON 文件或无法读取数据,请尝试将下载的 .zip 文件的名称更改为“1.zip”(要在文件名末尾加上 .zip)。


  1. 将文件解压缩。解压缩后的文件包含几种不同的文件格式。
    • .JPG 或 .PNG: 如果买家上传了图片,您就会收到 .JPG 格式的图片。如果买家选择了图库图片,您就会收到 .JPG 或 .PNG 格式的图片,具体取决于您创建图库时所使用的文件类型。
    • JSON: 您可以按照上述“文字定制和商品配置(选项)”下的说明轻松读取 JSON 文件。 如果买家选择了图库图片,JSON 文件会包含图库中该图片文件的名称。JSON 文件还会包含您在配置商品时提供的可打印区域的尺寸。最后,JSON 文件还会提供 SVG 文件的名称(SVG 文件中包含该订单与图片相关的所有定制信息)。对 SVG 的说明如下。
    • SVG: 如果买家上传了图片或添加了文字,那么图片文件、文字信息、尺寸、旋转和位置等各项详细信息均会体现在该文件中。SVG 是一张 3200 x 3200 的正方形图片,您可以将其调整到与 400 x 400 的掩膜图片相同的大小,从而确定买家在下单时看到的效果。
注意: 对于图片定制,即使有掩膜,您也将会收到买家提供的完整图片。您可以自己操作并相应地将图片放置在商品上。



Fulfilling an order using Amazon Custom

Amazon now offers the ability to create product listings that support customization experiences for buyers.

You can access the Amazon Custom program once your seller account has been registered for the program. For more information about Amazon Custom and to apply, click here. For information on how to configure listings using Amazon Custom, click here.

Steps to retrieve customization data from an order

The customization information (such as a photo upload or the name to be printed on the product) is available in the following locations after an order is placed:

  • Manage Orders tool
  • Order Reports files
  • Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) APIs

Manage orders tool

To access the customization information for an order from the Manage Orders tool in Seller Central:

  1. From the Orders drop-down menu, click Manage Orders.
  2. Click the order number for the order which contains the customizable product (e.g. 114-6923471-2011994).
  3. Within the Order contents section, under the Product name column, click Show more for the customizable product. Then click Customization Information.
  4. The Customization Information page displays the following information:
    • The information provided by the buyer for each of the customizations in each of the surfaces.
    • Download button that allows you to download a .zip file which contains the customization information.
Note: Internet Explorer might not properly display details on the Customization Information page.

Order report files

To retrieve the customization information from the downloadable order reports, follow these steps:

  1. From the Orders drop-down menu, select Order Reports.
  2. Select New Orders or Unshipped Orders, located on the top left of the page.
  3. Click Request Report. When the most recent report is ready, click Download in the Download column.
  4. Open the report in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program.
  5. The last two columns of the report are Customized-URL and Customized-page.
Note: In order to see Custom information on order reports, go to Orders > Order Reports . In the upper right, click the Add or Remove Columns link. On the Add or remove order report columns page, scroll down, select Customized URLs, and then click Save changes. This adds two columns containing links to customization information for your orders that you can then download as a .zip file.


This link downloads a .zip file which contains the customization information - details about this .zip file can be found below.


This brings you to the customization information page as described above.

Amazon Marketplace Web Services APIs

Important: You must be an Amazon MWS developer in order to send an Orders request.

You can also access the customization links through APIs. To retrieve the customization information in an automated way, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for MWS APIs at https://developer.amazonservices.com.
  2. You will receive AWS Access Key, Secret Key, Seller ID and MarketplaceId. Save this information, as they will be used as inputs to call the APIs.
  3. To call an MWS API follow the steps at: https://developer.amazonservices.com/doc/bde/reports/v20090901/java.html/185-3700807-6689822 .
  4. For generating an Unshipped Order Report, you need to call the following APIs:
    • RequestReportSample API - OrderReportType as _"GET_FLAT_FILE_ACTIONABLE_ORDER_DATA"_.
    • GetReportListSample API - returns ReportId.
    • GetReportSample API - takes ReportId as input and generates the UnshippedOrderReport as an xml file.

Customization information details from zip files

The downloadable .zip file contains different data formats depending on whether your customizable products are using the text-based customization features and options-based customization features, or the image-based customization features.

Text Customization and Product Configuration (Options)

Note: For a limited time, you might see that some of your .zip files for orders contain only a .JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file, while others might contain an .XML (Extensible Markup Language) file and .JPG file in addition to a .JSON file. For .JSON files included with these additional two file types, theversion 3.0 schema and its associated customization data elements are still provided. In the new version of the .JSON file, however, the customization data elements are also available in a different schema called customizationData.

If your order’s .zip file contains only a .JSON file:

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Open the .JSON file using a text editor program. (You can also read JSON files using an online JSON viewer.)
  3. Find a JSON viewer.
  4. Copy the text from the text editor program, paste it into your JSON viewer, and click the Viewer tab.
  5. Expand the version 3.0 section; you will see the text and the chosen fonts and colors and/or selected options and pricing.


If your order’s .zip file contains a .JSON file, an .XML file, and .JPG file(s):

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Open the .JSON or .XML file using a text editor program. (You can also read JSON files using an online JSON viewer.)
  3. Find a JSON or XML viewer.
  4. Copy the text from the text editor program, paste it into your JSON viewer and click the Viewer tab, or for XML paste the text into your viewer and click Highlight or Tree to view the data.
  5. Expand the version 3.0 section or the customizationData section; you will see the text and the chosen fonts and colors and/or selected options and pricing. Note that version3.0 provides the same structure and contents as that in the standalone .JSON file.
  6. There is one .JPG file included for each of the product’s surfaces. Each .JPG file contains an image for the product’s surface preview area with the buyer-supplied customizations. You can use these to manually verify what the buyer saw at the time of adding the product to the cart.


Note: If you are unable to view the JSON file or unable to read the data, try changing the name of the downloaded .zip file to "1.zip" (just add .zip to the end of the file name).


Image-based customization

  1. Unzip the file - the unzipped file contains several different file formats.
    • .JPG or .PNG: If the buyer uploads an image, the image file will be provided to you as a .JPG. If the buyer chooses a gallery image, you will be provided either a .JPG or .PNG of the image, depending on the file type you used to create the gallery.
    • JSON: You can read a JSON easily by following the instructions above under 'Text Customization and Product Configuration (Options).' If the buyer selects one of your gallery images, the JSON will contain the name of the image file that you included in your gallery. The JSON will also contain the dimensions of the printable area that you provided when configuring the product listing. Lastly, the JSON offers the name of the SVG file that contains all of the image-related customization information for this order. The SVG is explained below.
    • SVG: If the buyer uploads an image or adds text, the image file, text information, size, rotation, and position of each of the details will be reflected in this file. The SVG represents a 3200x3200 perfect square which you can align to your 400x400 mask image to understand exactly what the buyer saw when the order was placed.
Note: For image customization you will receive the full image as provided by the buyer, even if a mask is in place. It is up to you to manipulate and place the image on the product accordingly.










