shopify在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上结账介绍

By 杀死九月

在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上结账

设置 Facebook 渠道时,您可以在两种结账方式之间进行选择:在 Shopify 商店中结账或在 Facebook 和 Instagram 中结账。在 Facebook 和 Instagram 中结账目前仅适用于美国境内的商店。

在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的 Checkout 是一款 Facebook 产品,因此使用此结账方式的要求由 Facebook 决定。在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的 Checkout 由 Shopify Payments 提供支持。详细了解 Shopify Payments。

使用 Facebook Checkout 和 Instagram Checkout 进行销售的要求

您的商店需要获得 Facebook 的批准才能使用 Checkout on Facebook and Instagram,并且 Facebook 和 Instagram 上销售的产品必须遵守 Facebook 商业政策和 Shopify Payments 服务条款。

详细了解在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的 Checkout 的产品要求。


如希望使用 Facebook 和 Instagram 上的 Checkout,您的商店必须满足以下 商务资格要求:

  • 您需要拥有一个 Shopify 在线商店,并且该商店不能受密码保护。

  • 如果您想在 Instagram 上销售,则您的账户需要是专业资料或与业务的 Facebook 页面关联的创建者账户。通过 Instagram 帮助了解如何将 Instagram 账户转换为专业资料,或将 Instagram 账户转换为创建者账户。

  • 您的 Facebook 页面必须符合 Facebook 服务条款、商业条款和社区标准。

  • 您的 Instagram 专业账户必须符合 Instagram 使用条款和社区指南。

  • 您的产品必须可从经过验证的域名中直接购买。

  • 您的业务必须位于 Facebook Commerce Surfaces 支持的市场中。

  • 您必须在支付设置中启用 Shopify Payments 或用于第三方网关的 Shop Pay。

Facebook 权限要求

Facebook 和 Instagram 上的 Checkout 会同步您的 Shopify 产品到商店的 Facebook 商品目录,以便您可以在 Instagram 上标记产品,并通过 Facebook Shop 进行销售。若要使用 Instagram Checkout,您需要设置连接到您商店的 Facebook 页面的 Facebook Business Manager。如果您想在 Instagram 上销售,则您的 Facebook Business Manager 还必须连接到您的专业 Instagram 账户。如果您的企业没有 Business Manager 或 Facebook 页面,您可以在设置 Facebook 渠道时创建一个。

利用 Facebook Business Manager 这一工具,您可以在一处集中组织和管理您的业务页面和账户。在 Facebook 帮助中心了解有关 Business Manager 的详细信息。

Facebook 公共主页设置

在连接 Facebook 公共主页之前,需要满足 Facebook 上的以下要求:

  • 您的 Facebook 账户需在此页面上具有管理员角色。

  • 需要发布此 Facebook 公共主页。

了解 Facebook 上的用户身份和权限

在 Facebook 上,您需要具有页面和 Business Manager 的管理员角色,然后才能访问所有 Facebook 设置并执行某些更改。页面和 Business Managers 拥有单独的账户权限;这意味着,您需要给每个账户设置管理员角色。在加入 Facebook 渠道期间,您选择的 Business Manager 必须是 Facebook 页面的所有者。如果 Facebook 页面由其他 Business Manager 拥有,则 Facebook 页面不会作为连接选项列出。如果您无法连接所需的 Facebook 页面,请检查您连接的 Facebook Business Manager 是否拥有该 Facebook 页面,或尝试连接其他 Business Manager。

您可以在 Facebook 帮助中心找到 Facebook 用户身份和权限概述以及指向更多资源的链接。


若要获批在 Instagram 上进行销售,您的商店需要满足以下发货和退货政策要求:

  • 您需要在订单下单后 30 天内为产品发货。

  • 您需要在产品送达后的 30 天内接受退货。

  • 您需要为订单提供跟踪信息和送达确认。

  • 您的订单应在标记为“已发货”后的 7 天内送达。


Checkout on Instagram and Facebook

When you set up the Facebook channel, you have the option to choose between two checkout methods: checkout on your Shopify store, or checkout on Facebook and Instagram. Checkout on Facebook and Instagram is currently available only to stores in the US.

Checkout on Facebook and Instagram is a Facebook product so the requirements for using this checkout method are determined by Facebook. Checkout on Facebook and Instagram is powered by Shopify Payments. Learn more about Shopify Payments.

Requirements for selling with Checkout on Facebook and Instagram

Your store needs to be approved by Facebook to use Checkout on Facebook and Instagram, and products sold on Facebook and Instagram must follow Facebook Commerce Policies and the Shopify Payments Terms of Service.

Learn more about product requirements for Checkout on Facebook and Instagram.

Eligibility requirements

To use Checkout on Facebook and Instagram, your store must meet the following Commerce eligibility requirements:

  • You need to have a Shopify online store, and the store can't be password protected.

  • If you want to sell on Instagram, then your account needs to be a professional profile or a creator account associated with the Facebook Page for your business. Learn how to convert an Instagram account to a professional profile or convert an Instagram account to a creator account from Instagram Help.

  • Your Facebook Page must comply with Facebook's Terms of Service, Commercial Terms, and Community Standards.

  • Your Instagram professional account must comply with Instagram's Terms of Use, and Community Guidelines.

  • Your products must be available for direct purchase from your verified domain.

  • Your business must be located in a Supported Market for Facebook Commerce Surfaces.

  • You must have Shopify Payments, or Shop Pay for third-party gateways enabled in your Payments settings.

Facebook permissions requirements

Checkout on Facebook and Instagram syncs your Shopify products to a Facebook catalog for your business so that you can tag your products on Instagram, and sell them through Facebook Shops. To use Checkout on Instagram, you need to set up a Facebook Business Manager that's connected to your business's Facebook Page. If you want to sell on Instagram, then your Facebook Business Manager must also be connected to your professional Instagram account. If you don't have a Business Manager or a Facebook Page for your business, then you can create one when you're setting up the Facebook channel.

Facebook Business Manager is a tool that you can use to organize and manage your business Pages and accounts in one place. Learn more about Business Manager from the Facebook Help Center.

Facebook Page settings

The following requirements need to be met on Facebook before you can connect your Facebook Page:

  • Your Facebook account needs to have an admin role on the Page.

  • The Facebook page needs to be published.

Understanding roles and permissions on Facebook

On Facebook, you need an admin role for a Page and Business Manager before you can access all of Facebook's settings and make certain changes. Pages and Business Managers have separate account permissions, which means that you need admin roles for each one. The Business Manager that you select in the Facebook channel must be the owner of the Facebook page during onboarding. If the Facebook Page is owned by a different Business Manager, then the Facebook Page isn't listed as an option to connect. If you can't connect a desired Facebook Page, then check that the Facebook Business Manager you are connecting owns the Facebook page, or try connecting a different Business Manager.

You can find an overview of Facebook roles and permissions and links to more resources on the Facebook Help Center.

Shipping and return policy requirements

To be approved to sell on Instagram, your store needs to meet the following shipping and return policy requirements:

  • You need to fulfill products within 30 days of the order being placed.

  • You need to accept returns for 30 days after the product is delivered.

  • You need to provide tracking and delivery confirmations for your orders.

  • Your orders should be delivered within 7 days of being marked as fulfilled.




如何在 Shopify 商店中添加 Instagram 和 Facebook 帐户链接?

你可以在 Shopify 管理后台的\"设置\"菜单中找到\"社交\"选项卡,在那里可以添加和链接 Instagram 或 Facebook 帐户。这将使顾客可以在商品或商店页面上的社交媒体图标单击后访问这些帐户。

如何使用 Instagram 和 Facebook 帐户升级 Shopify 商店业务?

你可以在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上分享商品照片和视频,向粉丝更新商店动态和新产品。你还可以在贴文中添加商店链接,从而将流量引导到商店网站购买产品。使用特定标签可以更轻松地跟踪广告成效。此外,你还可以在 Instagram 或 Facebook 上直播商店活动,例如新产品推出或特价促销。

如何使用 Instagram 和 Facebook 促进销量?

除了分享内容外,你还可以在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上运行促销、优惠活动或优惠券码。例如,你可以提供朋友转发或分享贴文后的折扣,让更多人知道你的商店。你也可以利用Instagram和Facebook的广告功能,定向推广特定商品或促销给你的目标受众。此外,可以在社交媒体上开展问卷调查,了解客户需求,从而推出适合他们的新产品或优惠活动。