shopify 向 Facebook 渠道验证域名介绍

By 吧唧吧唧

向 Facebook 渠道验证您的域名

设置 Facebook 渠道时,您需要向 Facebook 验证您用于在线商店的域名为您所有。验证域名不仅可以让您对指向域名的链接的使用方式和位置进行控制和管理,还有助于加快 Facebook 对您商店的审批进度。

在 Facebook 渠道中验证您的域名后,您可以将广告的编辑权限分配给与 Facebook Business Manager 关联的特定 Facebook 公共主页。没有编辑权限的 Facebook 公共主页无法更改您的广告。

您可以在设置 Facebook Shop、Instagram Shopping 和 Facebook Marketing 期间验证您的域名。您还可以在 Facebook 渠道设置中随时更改设置。

有关域名验证的详细信息,请参阅 Facebook Business Manager 帮助中心的关于 Business Manager 中的域名验证。


为成功验证域名,该域名必须是购买的一级域名,或者是您的 子域名。


如果您购买了域名,那么根域名便是您需要用于验证的域名。例如,John 为了验证自己的服装店,他会使用 向 Facebook Business Manager 验证自己的域名。


如果您想使用域名 .myshopify 进行验证,则需要包含域名的前缀。例如,John 想使用自己的域名 .myshopify 验证,因此 John 在 Facebook Business Manager 中输入 进行验证。


当您在 Facebook 渠道中验证您的域名时,您可能会收到验证错误。请参阅下面的错误消息,了解如何排除故障:

无法验证域名,因为其他 Business Manager 已认领该域名

如果您现有的 Facebook Business Manager 已使用了您的域名,但是您希望改用另一个不同的 Facebook Business Manager,则需要先删除现有 Facebook Business Manager 中的域名,然后才能通过希望使用的 Business Manager 认领该域名。

对于已认领您域名的其他 Facebook Business Manager ,如果您没有控制权限,则必须联系 Facebook 客服来解决此问题。




Verifying your domain with the Facebook channel

When you set up the Facebook channel, you need to verify to Facebook that you own the domain that you use for your online store. Verifying your domain lets you control and manage how and where links to your domain are used, and can help get your store approved by Facebook faster.

After verifying your domain in the Facebook channel, you can assign editing permissions for ads to specific Facebook Pages that are associated with your Facebook Business Manager. Facebook Pages that don't have editing permissions can't make changes to your ads.

You can verify your domain during the set up of Facebook Shop, Instagram Shopping, and Facebook Marketing. You can also change your settings at any time in the Facebook channel settings.

For more information on domain verification, refer to About Domain Verification in Business Manager on the Facebook Business Manager Help Center.

Verifiable domains

For a domain to be successfully verified, it must be either a purchased top-level domain, or your subdomain.

Top-level domains

If you have purchased a domain, then the root domain is the domain that you need to use for verification. For example, to verify his clothing store, John would use to verify his domain with his Facebook Business Manager.


If you want to use your .myshopify domain for verification, then you need to include the prefix for your domain. For example, John wants to use his .myshopify domain for verification, so in his Facebook Business Manager John enters to be verified.


When you verify your domain in the Facebook channel, you might get a verification error. Refer to the error messages below to learn how to troubleshoot them:

Domain cannot be verified because it is already claimed by another Business Manager

If you want to use a different Facebook Business Manager than one that already uses your domain, then you need to first delete the domain from that Facebook Business Manager before you claim it with the Business Manager you want to use.

If you don't control the other Facebook Business Manager that has claimed your domain, then you have to contact Facebook support to resolve the issue.

Domain is not a verifiable domain

If your domain is not a verifiable domain, then you need to check that you are submitting the correct domain. Refer to verifiable domains to check that your domain follows the required details for verification.





你需要添加一个特殊的DNS记录(TXT 记录)到你的域名提供商以确保你对这个域名具有所有权。这将向Facebook验证你拥有这个域名。具体操作步骤如下:




如果域名验证失败,请检查添加的DNS TXT记录是否正确。您也可以尝试删除旧的TXT记录,添加新的记录再试一次。如果问题持续存在,可以与域名注册商或者网站空间提供商联系,寻求支持。大多数情况下,正确设置TXT记录就可以顺利完成验证。

