shopify使用 Buy on Google 订单折扣和发货管理介绍

By 洋歪歪

使用 Buy on Google 进行订单管理

当客户通过 Buy on Google 下单时,订单会同步到 Shopify 后台的订单部分。订单最多可能最多需要 30 分钟才能同步到 Shopify。有关在 Shopify 后台中为订单发货的详细信息,请参阅管理订单。


在 Shopify 后台中创建的折扣会同步到 Google Ads、免费产品页面和 Buy on Google。百分比、固定金额和自动折扣码会同步到 Google。买 X 得 Y 折扣不会同步到 Google。如果您想提供买 X 得 Y 折扣,则需要在 Google Merchant Center 中进行设置。

如果您想从 Google 中删除已同步的折扣,则可以在 Google Merchant Center 中结束促销。通过 Google Merchant Center 帮助了解如何编辑促销或更改促销状态


为客户使用 Buy on Google 所下的订单取消发货可能会导致 Google Merchant Center 中出现错误。

如果您需要更改使用 Buy on Google 所下订单的发货信息,则需要编辑订单中的跟踪信息。




Order management with Buy on Google

When an order is placed through Buy on Google, the order syncs to the Orders section of your Shopify admin. It can take up to 30 minutes for orders to sync to Shopify. For more information on fulfilling orders in your Shopify admin, refer to Managing orders.

Managing discounts

Discounts created in your Shopify admin sync to Google ads, free listings, and Buy on Google. Percentage, fixed amount, and automatic discount codes sync to Google. Buy X get Y discounts don't sync to Google. If you want to offer buy x get y discounts, then you need to set them up in your Google Merchant Center.

If you want to remove synced discounts from Google, then you can end a promotion in your Google Merchant Center. Learn how to Edit a promotion or change promotion status on Google Merchant Center Help.

Managing fulfillments

Canceling fulfilments on an order that was placed by a customer using Buy on Google can cause errors in your Google Merchant Center.

If you need to change the shipping information on an order placed using Buy on Google, then you need to edit the tracking information in the order.

If you need to cancel a fulfillment because of an incorrect item, then you should cancel the order. When you cancel an order, contact the customer and create a draft order or ask the customer to place a new order.

Learn more about fulfilling orders.




Buy on Google可以实现订单折扣吗?

是的,Buy on Google可以提供订单级别的折扣。您可以为特定产品或产品类别设置折扣,此折扣将直接应用于购物车和订单总额中。






您可以在Shopify的“报表”菜单中选择“Google Shopping orders”,查看 Google订单的详细报告,包括订单数量、销售额等数据。同时也可以了解客户群信息,优化Google广告。