shopify Google 渠道产品供应介绍

By Dalao


Google 渠道会将您在线商店中提供的产品与 Google Merchant Center 同步。若要在 Google 上发布产品并将其用于智能购物广告系列,您需要添加所需的产品数据。您还可以使用 Google 渠道针对 Google 购物搜索列表优化产品标题和描述。

对于有资格在美国销售产品的商店,使用 Shopify 的 Google 渠道同步到 Google Merchant Center 的产品可以免费显示在相关的 Google 购物标签搜索列表中。

备注:Google 对已同步的产品数据设置有严格的 30 天到期政策,因此 Google 渠道会在此 30 天期限内自动更新您的产品以避免账户遭到暂停或丢失产品数据。

若要查看您产品的状态或更改您的账户设置,请转到 Shopify 中的 Google 渠道。

向 Google 渠道供应产品

当您首次设置 Google 渠道时,您在线商店中提供的所有产品都会自动与 Google Merchant Center 同步。如果希望选择要同步的产品,您可以手动更改单个产品的供货情况或执行批量操作来更改多个产品的供货情况。详细了解如何向渠道和应用提供产品。

注:Google 允许您同步的多属性数量取决于您的账户类型。如果您需要提升您的产品限制,请联系 Google Merchant Center 帮助。


Google 使用产品数据来帮助您对 Google 上的已同步产品进行分类。Google 可以使用的部分数据不可从产品的详细信息中获取,需要从 Google 渠道添加。以下产品数据将从应用中的编辑 Google 购物字段模态窗口中添加到产品:

  • 产品是否是自定义产品 - 与其他产品不同,自定义产品不需要具有唯一的产品标识符(例如 GTIN)。如果您的产品没有唯一的产品标识符,则需要先指明它不是自定义产品才可获得批准。

  • Google 产品类别 - 您可以向产品添加 Google 产品类别,以提高其在 Google Ads 和智能购物活动中的表现。

  • 自定义标签 - 您可以为年龄性别条件添加自定义标签,以帮助 Google 对产品进行分类。


  1. 在您的 Shopify 后台中,转至销售渠道 > Google

  2. 概览页面上,前往产品信息流部分。

  3. 点击产品状态旁边的链接,在批量编辑器中查看已同步的产品。

  4. 点击编辑 Google 字段

  5. 可选:如果您的产品因属于自定义产品而没有 GTIN 或 MPN,请选中这是一件定制产品

  6. 可选:在产品分类部分中,添加 Google 产品类别。

  7. 可选:为年龄性别条件添加自定义标签。

  8. 单击保存

针对 Google 购物优化产品标题和描述

您在产品标题和描述中使用的关键词可以帮助客户在 Google 购物上找到您的产品。

将产品同步到 Google 购物时,您可以同步您的产品标题和描述,或者使用来自搜索引擎优化的标题标签和元描述。您可能需要使用搜索引擎优化标题标签和元描述,这样使您可以在 Google 购物上包含更多搜索引擎优化的关键字,无需在您的在线商店中更改产品信息。有关优化产品标题和描述的详细信息,请访问 Google Merchant Center 帮助。

若要在 Google 购物上为您的产品使用标题标签和元描述,您需要先在 Google 渠道中选择偏好设置。


  1. 在您的 Shopify 后台中,转至销售渠道 > Google

  2. 转到 Merchant Center 账户

  3. 产品标题偏好部分,选择 SEO 产品标题,以便在 Google 购物上针对您的产品使用搜索引擎优化的元描述。

  4. 产品描述偏好部分中,选择 SEO 产品描述,以便在 Google 上针对您的产品使用搜索引擎优化的元描述。



Syncing your products

The Google channel syncs products that are available to your online store with Google Merchant Center. To publish your products on Google and use them in Smart Shopping campaigns, you need to add required product data. You can also optimize your product titles and descriptions for Google Shopping search listings by using the Google channel.

For eligible stores selling in the United States, products synced to Google Merchant Center using Shopify's Google channel can appear in relevant Google Shopping tab search listings for free.

To view the status of your products or change your account settings go to the Google channel in Shopify.

Make products available to the Google channel

When you set up the Google channel for the first time, all of the products that are available to your online store are automatically synced with Google Merchant Center. If you prefer to choose which products to sync, then you can change the availability of a single product manually or do a bulk action to change the availability for several products. Learn more about making products available to channels and apps.

Add product data

Google uses product data to help categorize your synced products on Google. Some of the data that Google can use isn't available from a product's details and needs to be added from the Google channel. The following product data is added to a product from the Edit Google Shopping fields modal in the app:

  • Whether a product is a custom product - Custom products aren't required to have a unique product identifier such as a GTIN, unlike other products. If your product doesn't have a unique product identifier, then you need to indicate that it's a custom product before it will be approved.

  • Google Product Category - You can add a Google Product Category to a product to improve its performance in Google Ads and Smart Shopping campaigns.

  • Custom labels - You can add custom labels for AgeGender, or Condition to help Google categorize a product.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Sales channels > Google.

  2. On the Overview page, go to the Product feed section.

  3. Beside a product status, click the link to view your synced products in a bulk editor.

  4. Click Edit Google fields.

  5. Optional: If your product doesn't have a GTIN or MPN because it's a custom product, then check This is a custom product.

  6. Optional: In the Product categorization section, add a Google Product Category.

  7. Optional: Add custom labels for AgeGender, or Condition.

  8. Click Save.

Optimizing product titles and descriptions for Google Shopping

The keywords that you use in your product titles and descriptions can help customers to find your products on Google Shopping.

When you're syncing products to Google Shopping, you can either sync your product titles and descriptions, or use the title tag and meta description from the search engine listing. You might want to use the search engine listing title tag and meta description so that you can include more keywords for search engine optimization on Google Shopping without changing the product information in your online store. Learn more about optimizing product titles and descriptions from Google Merchant Center Help.

To use title tags and meta descriptions for your products on Google Shopping, first you need to select the preference from the Google channel.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Sales channels > Google.

  2. Go to Merchant Center account.

  3. In the PRODUCT TITLE PREFERENCE section, select SEO product title to use the search engine optimized product tag for your products on Google Shopping.

  4. In the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PREFERENCE section, select SEO product description to use the search engine optimized meta description for your products on Google.

You can view and edit the search engine optimized title tag and meta description from a product's details page. Learn more about adding keywords for search engine optimization.










