shopify创建 Google 智能购物活动介绍

By 路边摊的衣服都好时尚

创建 Google 智能购物活动

将 Google Ads 账号连接到 Shopify 的 Google 渠道后,您可以在 Shopify 中为 Google 智能购物广告系列创建自动化。

Google 智能购物广告系列是付费的广告营销,可帮助您推广自己的产品并增加在线商店的流量。它们还能帮助您向现有客户再营销产品、向新客户介绍产品以及通过各种 Google 平台和广告形式与新客户建立联系。智能购物广告系列会根据您商店的销售情况使用机器学习,因此最适合销售稳定的商店。从 Google Ads 帮助内容中详细了解 Google 智能购物广告系列。

备注:请在创建 Google 购物广告活动之前仔细阅读 Google Ads 服务条款。

您可以从 Shopify 的营销 > 自动化页面中管理和监控您的智能购物广告系列活动。但是,若要编辑您的 Google 购物设置或同步新产品,请访问 Google 渠道。

创建 Google 智能购物活动

设置 Google 渠道后,您可以在 Shopify 中设置的营销自动化之一是 Google 智能购物广告系列。

在 Shopify 中创建营销活动或自动化时,您可以选择将其保存为草稿并在准备好后进行发布,这样您便可以提前准备营销活动。



  1. 在 Shopify 中,转到营销

  2. 若要查看用于营销活动或自动化的选项:

    • 若要创建自动化,请转到自动化,然后点击创建自动化

    • 若要创建营销活动,请转到宣传活动,然后点击创建宣传活动

  3. 选择活动或自动化。

  4. 输入名称。

  5. 添加所需的详细信息。您可以在保存或发布之前预览营销活动和自动化。

  6. 保存草稿或进行发布:

    • 要保存草稿,请点击稍后完成

    • 要发布活动或自动化,请点击发布

为了帮助您开始使用 Google Ads,当您在 60 天内的花费金额达到 500 美元时,您可以获得 500 美元的广告抵扣额。若要了解详情,请参阅获得 Google Ads 抵扣额。

提示:除了为特定产品投放 Google 智能购物活动之外,您还可以为整个产品目录投放宣传活动,以提高 Google 智能购物活动的效益。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店,然后轻触营销 > 宣传活动

  2. 轻触 +

  3. 选择活动或自动化。

  4. 输入活动或自动化的名称。

  5. 输入所需的详细信息。您可以在保存或发布之前预览营销活动和自动化。

  6. 保存草稿或进行发布:

    • 要保存草稿,请轻触稍后完成

    • 要发布活动或自动化,请轻触发布

为了帮助您开始使用 Google Ads,当您在 60 天内的花费金额达到 500 美元时,您可以获得 500 美元的广告抵扣额。若要了解详情,请参阅获得 Google Ads 抵扣额。

提示:除了为特定产品投放 Google 智能购物活动之外,您还可以为整个产品目录投放宣传活动,以提高 Google 智能购物活动的效益。


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,轻触商店,然后轻触营销 > 宣传活动

  2. 轻触 +

  3. 选择活动或自动化。

  4. 输入活动或自动化的名称。

  5. 输入所需的详细信息。您可以在保存或发布之前预览营销活动和自动化。

  6. 保存草稿或进行发布:

    • 要保存草稿,请轻触稍后完成

    • 要发布活动或自动化,请轻触发布

为了帮助您开始使用 Google Ads,当您在 60 天内的花费金额达到 500 美元时,您可以获得 500 美元的广告抵扣额。若要了解详情,请参阅获得 Google Ads 抵扣额。

提示:除了为特定产品投放 Google 智能购物活动之外,您还可以为整个产品目录投放宣传活动,以提高 Google 智能购物活动的效益。

Google 智能购物活动详细信息

活动预算(每日)- 平均每日预算,以美元为单位。您的预算取决于您的产品类别(价格较高的产品往往具有较高的每次转化成本)。


在 Shopify 后台中创建的折扣会同步到 Google Ads、免费产品页面和 Buy on Google。百分比、固定金额和自动折扣码会同步到 Google。买 X 得 Y 折扣不会同步到 Google。如果您想提供买 X 得 Y 折扣,则需要在 Google Merchant Center 中进行设置。

如果您想从 Google 中删除已同步的折扣,则可以在 Google Merchant Center 中结束促销。通过 Google Merchant Center 帮助了解如何编辑促销或更改促销状态


Creating Google Smart Shopping campaigns

After you connect your Google Ads account to Shopify's Google channel, you can create automations in Shopify for Google Smart Shopping campaigns.

Google Smart Shopping campaigns are paid advertising that can help you to promote your products and increase traffic to your online store. They can help you to remarket to existing customers, introduce your products to new customers, and connect with new customers across a variety of Google-owned platforms and ad formats. Smart Shopping campaigns use machine learning based on sales in your store, so they work best for stores with consistent sales. Learn more about Google Smart Shopping campaigns from Google Ads help.

You can manage and monitor your Smart Shopping campaigns from the Marketing > Automations page in Shopify. However, to edit your Google Shopping settings or sync new products, go to the Google channel.

Create a Google Smart Shopping campaign

After you set up the Google channel, one of the marketing automations that you can set up in Shopify is a Google Smart Shopping campaign.

When you create a marketing activity or automation in Shopify, you have the option to save it as a draft and publish it when it's ready, so that you can prepare your marketing in advance.



  1. In Shopify, go to Marketing.

  2. To view the options for marketing activities or automations:

    • To create an automation, go to Automations, and then click Create automation.

    • To create a marketing activity, go to Campaigns, and then click Create campaign.

  3. Select the activity or automation.

  4. Enter a name.

  5. Add the required details. You can preview marketing activities and automations before you save or publish.

  6. Save a draft or publish:

    • To save a draft, click Finish later.

    • To publish an activity or automation, click Publish.

To help you get started with Google Ads, receive 500 USD in ad credit when you spend $500 within 60 days. To learn more, refer to Earn Google Ads credit.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store, and then tap Marketing > Campaigns.

  2. Tap +.

  3. Select the activity or automation.

  4. Enter a name for the activity or automation.

  5. Enter the required details. You can preview marketing activities and automations before you save or publish.

  6. Save a draft or publish:

    • To save a draft, tap Finish later.

    • To publish the activity or automation, tap Publish.

To help you get started with Google Ads, receive 500 USD in ad credit when you spend $500 within 60 days. To learn more, refer to Earn Google Ads credit.


  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store, and then tap Marketing > Campaigns.

  2. Tap +.

  3. Select the activity or automation.

  4. Enter a name for the activity or automation.

  5. Enter the required details. You can preview marketing activities and automations before you save or publish.

  6. Save a draft or publish:

    • To save a draft, tap Finish later.

    • To publish the activity or automation, tap Publish.

To help you get started with Google Ads, receive 500 USD in ad credit when you spend $500 within 60 days. To learn more, refer to Earn Google Ads credit.

Google Smart Shopping campaign activity details

Campaign budget (daily) - The average daily budget in USD. Your budget depends on your product categories (higher priced items tend to have higher cost per conversion).

Syncing discounts

Discounts created in your Shopify admin sync to Google ads, free listings, and Buy on Google. Percentage, fixed amount, and automatic discount codes sync to Google. Buy X get Y discounts don't sync to Google. If you want to offer buy x get y discounts, then you need to set them up in your Google Merchant Center.

If you want to remove synced discounts from Google, then you can end a promotion in your Google Merchant Center. Learn how to Edit a promotion or change promotion status on Google Merchant Center Help.















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shopify创建 Google 智能购物活动介绍

21 Oct 2022
By 路边摊的衣服都好时尚