
By 野套路




  • 运往巴西

  • 向韩国发货

  • 向意大利发货

  • 向中国发货


对于向位于巴西境内的客户销售产品的商家,在结账流程中,付款页面上有一个标记为其他信息的字段。仅在线商店结账流程的付款页面上会显示此字段。Shopify POS 或移动应用上不会显示此字段。

如果客户要接收来自巴西境内外的货件,便将在该字段中输入 Cadastro De Pessoas Físicas (CPF) 或 Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) 号码。客户下单后,您可以在订单详细信息页面上找到相关客户的 CPF/CNPJ 号码。如果您的客户是没有 CPF 或 CNPJ 号码的外国公民,他们可以在此字段中输入护照号码。

如果您位于巴西境内,则必须在为客户提供政府发票时使用此 CPF/CNPJ 编号。如果您位于巴西境外,则必须将客户的 CPF/CNPJ 编号添加到发货标签上。发货标签上没有 CPF/CNPJ 编号的包裹可能会被销毁或退回。通过 Shopify Shipping 购买的发货标签上会自动添加 CPF/CNPJ 编号。如果您通过第三方承运商购买发货标签,请联系承运商以确定如何添加 CPF/CNPJ 编号。

如果供应商代表您购买标签,请确保他们将 CPF/CNPJ 编号添加到发货标签上。


对于向位于韩国境内的客户销售产品并从韩国境外发货的商家,在结账流程中,付款页面上有一个标记为其他信息的字段。仅在线商店结账流程的付款页面上会显示此字段。Shopify POS 或移动应用上不会显示此字段。

如果客户接收来自韩国境外的货件,便将在该字段中输入其个人清关代码 (PCCC)。客户下单后,您可以在订单详细信息页面上找到相关客户的 PCCC 号码。如果您的客户是没有 PCCC 号码的外国公民,他们可以在此字段中输入护照号码。

如果您位于韩国境外,则必须将客户的 PCCC 编号添加到发货标签上。发货标签上没有 PCCC 编号的包裹可能会被销毁或退回。通过 Shopify Shipping 购买的发货标签上会自动添加 PCCC 编号。如果您通过第三方承运商购买发货标签,请联系您的承运商以确定如何添加 PCCC 编号。

如果供应商代表您购买标签,请确保他们将 PCCC 号添加到发货标签上。


对于向位于意大利境内的客户销售产品的意大利商家,在结账流程的付款页面上有两个标记为其他信息的字段。仅在线商店结账流程的付款页面上会显示这些字段。Shopify POS 或移动应用上不会显示这些字段。

意大利境内的客户将在这些字段中输入其 Codice Fiscale (CF) 和 Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC)。客户下单后,您可以在订单详细信息页面上找到其 CF/PEC。



对于向位于中国境内的客户销售产品的商家,在结账流程中,付款页面上有一个标记为其他信息的字段。仅在线商店结账流程的付款页面上会显示此字段。Shopify POS 或移动应用上不会显示此字段。


如果您位于中国境外,则必须将客户的居民身份证号添加到发货标签上。发货标签上没有居民身份证号的包裹可能会被销毁或退回。通过 Shopify Shipping 购买的发货标签上会自动添加居民身份证号。如果您通过第三方承运商购买发货标签,请联系您的承运商以确定如何添加居民身份证号。



International shipping considerations

Certain countries and regions have specific requirements about international shipping. Review the following countries to determine what you might need to change so that you can ship to these areas. This page is not an exhaustive list of places with specific rules about international shipping, always research the shipping laws for the countries and regions where you want to ship to before accepting orders from customers in those regions.

On this page

  • Shipping to Brazil

  • Shipping to South Korea

  • Shipping to Italy

  • Shipping to China

Shipping to Brazil

For merchants who sell to customers in Brazil, there is a field labeled Additional information on the payment page in the checkout process. This field appears only on the payment page in the checkout process on the online store. It does not appear on Shopify POS or on the mobile app.

Customers who receive shipments from both outside and inside of Brazil enter their Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) or Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) number into this field. After a customer places an order, you can find their CPF/CNPJ number on their order details page. If your customer is a foreign national without a CPF or CNPJ number, then they can enter their passport number in this field.

If you're in Brazil, then you must use the CPF/CNPJ number when issuing the government invoice for the customer. If you are outside of Brazil, then you must add the customer's CPF/CNPJ number to the shipping label. Packages without a CPF/CNPJ number on the shipping label might be destroyed or returned. CPF/CNPJ numbers are automatically added to shipping labels that are purchased through Shopify Shipping. If you purchase shipping labels through a third-party shipping carrier, then contact your carrier to determine how to add the CPF/CNPJ number.

If a supplier purchases labels on your behalf, then make sure that they add the CPF/CNPJ number to the shipping labels.

Shipping to South Korea

For merchants who sell to customers in South Korea and ship their products from outside of South Korea, there is a field labeled Additional information on the payment page in the checkout process. This field appears only on the payment page in the checkout process on the online store. It does not appear on Shopify POS or on the mobile app.

Customers who receive shipments from outside of South Korea enter their Personal Customs Clearance Code (PCCC) into this field. After a customer places an order, you can find their PCCC number on their order details page. If your customer is a foreign national without a PCCC number, then they can enter their passport number in this field.

If you are outside of South Korea, then you must add the customer's PCCC number to the shipping label. Packages without a PCCC number on the shipping label might be destroyed or returned. PCCC numbers are automatically added to shipping labels that are purchased through Shopify Shipping. If you purchase shipping labels through a third-party shipping carrier, then contact your carrier to determine how to add the PCCC number.

If a supplier purchases labels on your behalf, then make sure that they add the PCCC number to the shipping labels.

Shipping to Italy

For merchants in Italy who sell to customers in Italy, there are two fields labeled Additional information on the payment page in the checkout process. These fields appear only on the payment page in the checkout process on the online store. They do not appear on Shopify POS or on the mobile app.

Customers in Italy enter their Codice Fiscale (CF) and their Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) into these fields. After a customer places an order, you can find their CF number and PEC on their order details page.

The Additional information fields are not mandatory because not every transaction requires an invoice. If you are located in Italy and your customer enters information in these fields, then you must issue an invoice to your customer for tax regulations and control. If the fields have been filled out at the checkout, then a banner appears on the order details page.

Shipping to China

For merchants who sell to customers in China, there is a field labeled Additional information on the payment page in the checkout process. This field appears only on the payment page in the checkout process on the online store. It does not appear on Shopify POS or on the mobile app.

Customers who receive shipments from outside of China enter their People's Republic of China Resident Identity Card (resident ID) into this field. If your customer is a foreign national without a resident ID number, then they can enter their passport number in this field. After a customer places an order, you can find their resident ID or passport number on their order details page.

If you are outside of China, then you must add the customer's resident ID to the shipping label. Packages without a resident ID on the shipping label might be destroyed or returned. Resident ID numbers are automatically added to shipping labels that are purchased through Shopify Shipping. If you purchase shipping labels through a third-party shipping carrier, then contact your carrier to determine how to add the resident ID number.

If a supplier purchases labels on your behalf, then make sure that they add the resident ID number to the shipping labels.











