Shopify针对特定国家或地区设置唯一 URL

By 被神爱着

针对特定国家或地区设置唯一 URL

设置国际域名时,您需要为想提供本地化购物体验的每个市场添加唯一的网址或 URL。您可以通过使用一种方法或组合使用多种方法来设置唯一 URL,并且随时可以切换方法。

如果您不确定使用哪种方法,在开始之前,请查看不同国际域名的 SEO 策略。如果您是首次设置市场,则子文件夹是最简单的选项,因为它们易于设置并能提供最优的 SEO。



  • 仅使用主域名设置目标市场

  • 使用域名或子域名设置目标市场

  • 使用子文件夹设置目标市场

  • 后续步骤


将市场设置为仅使用主域名时,您无需在 Shopify 后台中配置任何其他选项。由于所有市场都使用相同的商店 URL,因此您无法自定义每个市场的可用语言。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场

  2. 其他市场部分中,找到要设置的市场,然后点击管理

  3. 域名和语言部分中,点击管理

  4. 市场域名和子文件夹部分中,选择仅使用主域名

  5. 点击保存


您需要为要设置的每个市场添加域名或子域名,然后才能对特定于地区的 URL 使用顶级域名或子域名。添加域名或子域名后,您可以将它们分配到目标市场并启用要显示的语言。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场

  2. 其他市场部分中,找到要设置的市场,然后点击管理

  3. 域名和语言部分中,点击管理

  4. 市场域名和子文件夹部分中,选择 域名或子域名

  5. 域名或子域名列表中,选择要分配给此市场的顶级域名或子域名。

  6. 可选:在市场语言部分中,选中要为此市场启用的语言。

  7. 点击保存

使用域名或子域名设置目标市场后,只要在 Shopify 后台中连接了关联的域名或子域名,您便可以切换到其他方法。如果您删除了域名或子域名,当客户尝试访问特定于地区的 URL 时,系统会显示 404 错误页面。


使用子文件夹设置唯一 URL 时,您需要添加特定于地区的后缀,该后缀显示在 URL 末尾,位于该市场支持的每种语言的两个字母语言后缀之后。如果您以多种语言进行销售,那么您可以为每个市场启用多种语言。

例如,如果美国是您在 的主要市场,您可以使用子文件夹在 定位加拿大的市场。如果您还决定为加拿大客户提供法语语言选项,那么这还会在 创建一个唯一子文件夹。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场

  2. 其他市场部分中,找到要设置的市场,然后点击管理

  3. 域名和语言部分中,点击管理

  4. 市场域名和子文件夹部分中,选择子文件夹

  5. 子文件夹框中,为目标市场输入特定于地区的后缀。例如,为欧洲输入 eu 或为加拿大输入 ca

  6. 可选:在市场语言部分中,选中要为此市场启用的语言。

  7. 点击保存

系统使用您的主域名创建子文件夹,并且只能在通用顶级域名 (gTLD)(例如 .com 和 .net)的基础上进行创建。如果您的主域名是国家/地区代码顶级域名 (ccTLD),例如 或 ,则无法使用子文件夹定位其他市场。这是因为 Google 和其他搜索引擎仅将 ccTLD 识别为定位与其关联的国家/地区。被 Google 和其他搜索引擎视为通用顶级域名的任何域名都可用于创建子文件夹。

如果您之后决定删除使用子文件夹的市场,那么当客户尝试访问该特定于地区的 URL 时,系统会显示 404 错误页面。若要将这些客户重定向到您的主域名或其他特定于地区的 URL,您可以使用 CSV 文件导入 URL 重定向。


设置特定于地区的 URL 后,您需要在 Google Search Console 中为每个域名和子域名执行下列任务:

  • 提交站点地图。

  • 设置国际定位。


Set up unique URLs for specific countries or regions

When you set up international domains, you add a unique web address or URL for each market where you want to offer a localized shopping experience. You can set up unique URLs by using one method or a combination of methods, and you can switch methods at any time.

If you're not sure about which method to use, then review the SEO strategies for different international domains before you begin. If you're setting up markets for the first time, then subfolders are the simplest options because they're easy to set up and offer optimal SEO benefits.

By default, only your store's primary language is enabled when you create your markets. If you sell in multiple languages and you set up international domains by using subfolders, subdomains, or top-level domains, then you can enable additional languages for each market. If you don't sell in multiple languages, then only your primary language is available. Learn more about selling in multiple languages.

On this page

  • Set up target markets using your primary domain only

  • Set up target markets using domains or subdomains

  • Set up target markets using subfolders

  • Next steps

Set up target markets using your primary domain only

When you set up your markets to use your primary domain only, you don't need to configure any further options in your Shopify admin. Because all markets use the same store URL, you can't customize which languages are available to each market.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.

  2. In the Other Markets section, find the market that you want to set up, and then click Manage.

  3. In the Domains and languages section, click Manage.

  4. In the Market domains and subfolders section, select Primary domain only.

  5. Click Save.

Set up target markets using domains or subdomains

Before you can use top-level domains or subdomains for your region-specific URLs, you need to add a domain or subdomain for each market that you want to set up. After you add your domains or subdomains, you assign them to their target markets and enable the languages that you want to display.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.

  2. In the Other Markets section, find the market that you want to set up, and then click Manage.

  3. In the Domains and languages section, click Manage.

  4. In the Market domains and subfolders section, select Domain or subdomain.

  5. From the DOMAIN OR SUBDOMAIN list, select the top-level domain or subdomain that you want to assign to this market.

  6. Optional: In the Market languages section, check the languages that you want to enable for this market.

  7. Click Save.

After you set up target markets by using domains or subdomains, you can switch to another method as long as the associated domain or subdomain is connected in your Shopify admin. If you remove the domain or subdomain, then a 404 error page is displayed to customers who try to visit that region-specific URL.

Set up target markets using subfolders

When you set up unique URLs by using subfolders, you add a region-specific suffix that appears at the end of your URL, after the two-letter language suffix for each language that the market supports. If you sell in multiple languages, then you can enable multiple languages for each market.

For example, if the United States is your primary market on, you can use subfolders to target a market for Canada on If you decide to make French a language option for your Canadian customers as well, then that also gets a unique subfolder on


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.

  2. In the Other Markets section, find the market that you want to set up, and then click Manage.

  3. In the Domains and languages section, click Manage.

  4. In the Market domains and subfolders section, select Subfolders.

  5. In the SUBFOLDERS box, enter a region-specific suffix for your target market. For example, eu for Europe or ca for Canada.

  6. Optional: In the Market languages section, check the languages that you want to enable for this market.

  7. Click Save.

Subfolders are created using your primary domain and can only be created on generic top-level domains (gTLD) like .com and .net. If your primary domain is a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) like, or then you can't use subfolders to target other markets. This is because Google and other search engines only recognize ccTLDs as targeting the country to which they are associated with. Any domain that Google and other search engines consider to be a generic top level domain can be used to create subfolders.

If you later decide to delete a market that uses subfolders, then a 404 error page is displayed to customers who try to visit that region-specific URL. To redirect those customers to your primary domain or another region-specific URL, you can import URL redirects by using a CSV file.

Next steps

After you set up your region-specific URLs, you need to do the following tasks for every domain and subdomain in Google Search Console:

  • Submit a sitemap.

  • Set up international targeting.




我可以为特定国家或地区设置唯一的商店 URL 吗?





不,设置国家/地区特定域名不会影响全局SEO。相反,它可以有助于改进该国家/地区内的SEO。当搜索引擎检测到国家/地区特定域名时,它会更准确地将您的商店与该国家/地区内的搜索结果进行匹配。从长远来看,这可以提升国内 organic 流量和转换率。