
By 迷人占有欲



  • SAML 验证

  • SCIM 用户管理

  • 重置两步验证


  • 验证域名之前

  • 验证您的域名

  • 添加 TXT 记录

  • 验证域名后

  • 删除域名




验证组织域名所有权的过程可能需要几天时间。如果您计划设置 SAML 身份验证或 SCIM 用户管理,则请考虑在此期间设置替代的身份验证方式,例如要求双重验证。



例如,假设您的组织是较大实体的子公司并且两个公司都使用 Shopify。您的用户可能基于您的组织的邮箱进行登录,也可能基于母公司的邮箱进行登录。如果您为您的子公司和母公司共同使用的域名设置验证,则母公司的域名将无法供使用 Shopify 的任何其他组织使用。在这种情况下,您应仅使用在您的子公司注册的域名。

如果您的用户与 Shopify 中另一个组织所需的域名相关联,请不要认领该域名。此类情况下的所有权验证请求将由人工审核,并且可能被拒绝。





  1. 在您的 Shopify 组织后台中,前往用户 > 安全

  2. 域名验证部分中,点击添加域名

  3. 输入域名的名称,然后点击下一步

  4. 点击复制按钮以复制 TXT 值。

  5. 登录您的域名提供商账户,然后粘贴复制的 TXT 值。

  6. 点击请求验证

域名目前处于待处理状态。验证域名的过程可能需要几天时间。完成这一过程后,您的域名状态将更新为已验证未验证,并且您将收到一封通知电子邮件,其中包含详细信息。如果您认为自己的域名错误地遭到拒绝,或者您在验证域名时遇到问题,请联系 Shopify Plus 客服。

如果您计划对组织中的用户使用 SAML 身份验证,则可以开始设置 SAML 配置。您无需等待域名完成验证。

添加 TXT 记录

更改 DNS 设置的过程因提供商而异。通常,您应该能够通过查找 DNS 设置、域名管理区域、DNS 配置或类似内容来访问 TXT 记录。

将 TXT 记录添加到 Shopify 域名

如果您从 Shopify 购买了域名,请在 Shopify 后台的域名部分中添加 TXT 记录。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 域名

  2. 在 Shopify 管理的域名部分中,点击要验证的域名的名称。

  3. 点击 DNS 设置

  4. 点击添加自定义记录,然后选择记录类型。

  5. 名称字段中,执行以下操作之一:

    • 如果您要验证主域名,请输入 @

    • 如果您要验证子域名,则只需输入子域名。例如,如果您的子域名为,则输入 retail

  6. 在 TXT 值字段中,输入您从后台复制的 TXT 值。

  7. 点击确认

将 TXT 记录添加到第三方域名

将 TXT 记录添加到 DNS 设置的过程因域名提供商而异。通常,您应该能够通过查找 DNS 设置、域名管理区域、DNS 配置或类似内容来访问 TXT 记录。

以下是针对特定域名提供商的一些步骤。如果您的域名提供商未在此列表中显示,或者您无法添加 TXT 记录,请联系您的提供商获取帮助。

1&1 IONOS123 RegBluehost
Google DomainsOVHNamecheap
Network Solutions注册Blacknight Solutions

将 TXT 记录添加到 1&1 IONOS

  1. 登录您的 1&1 IONOS 账户。

  2. 您的域名部分,点击管理域名

  3. 点击 DNS

  4. 点击 TXT

  5. 主机名字段中,输入 @

  6. 字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  7. 点击保存

将 TXT 记录添加到 123 Reg

  1. 登录您的 123 Reg 账户。

  2. 点击控制面板

  3. 从下拉菜单中选择要验证的域名,然后点击管理

  4. 在高级域名设置部分,点击管理 DNS

  5. 点击高级 DNS 选项卡。

  6. 从下拉菜单中选择 TXT/SPF

  7. 主机名字段中,输入 @

  8. 目标 TXT 字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  9. 点击添加

将 TXT 记录添加到 Bluehost

  1. 登录您的 Bluehost 账户。

  2. 点击域名选项卡。

  3. 在要验证的域名旁边,点击管理,然后选择 DNS。

  4. 在 TXT(文本)部分旁边,点击添加记录

  5. 托管商记录字段中,输入 @

  6. 在 TXT 值字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  7. 点击保存

将 TXT 记录添加到

  1. 登录您的 账户。

  2. 对要验证的域名点击管理

  3. 点击 DNS 和域名服务器

  4. 点击 DNS 记录

  5. 点击添加 DNS 记录

  6. 点击 TXT 旁边的按钮。

  7. 名称字段中,输入 @

  8. 内容字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  9. 点击保存

将 TXT 记录添加到 Enom

  1. 登录您的 Enom 账户。

  2. 点击域名

  3. 点击我的域名

  4. 点击要验证的域名。

  5. 点击托管商记录

  6. 点击新建行

  7. 主机名字段中,输入 @

  8. 记录类型下拉菜单中,选择 TXT。

  9. 地址字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  10. 点击保存

将 TXT 记录添加到 GoDaddy

  1. 登录您的 GoDaddy 账户。

  2. 我的产品页面上,点击要验证的域名旁边的 DNS

  3. 点击添加

  4. 类型列表中,选择 TXT

  5. 主机字段中,输入 @

  6. 在 TXT 值字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  7. 点击保存

将 TXT 记录添加到 Google 域名

  1. 登录您的 Google 域名账户。

  2. 点击要验证的域名。

  3. 点击菜单按钮。

  4. 点击 DNS

  5. 转到自定义资源记录部分。

  6. 名称字段中,输入 @

  7. 类型菜单中,选择 TXT

  8. 文本字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  9. 点击添加

将 TXT 记录添加到 OVH

  1. 登录您的 OVH 账户。

  2. 我的产品和服务部分中,点击要验证的域名。

  3. 点击添加条目

  4. 选择 TXT 作为记录类型。

  5. 字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  6. 点击下一步

  7. 点击确认

将 TXT 记录添加到 Namecheap

  1. 登录您的 Namecheap 账户。

  2. 在要验证的域名旁边,点击管理

  3. 点击高级 DNS

  4. 托管商记录部分中,点击添加新记录

  5. 选择 TXT 作为记录类型。

  6. 主机字段中,输入 @

  7. 字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  8. 点击保存所有更改

将 TXT 记录添加到 Network Solutions

  1. 登录您的 Network Solutions 账户。

  2. 我的域名部分中,点击编辑 DNS

  3. 点击更改域名指向的位置

  4. 选择高级 DNS,然后点击继续

  5. 文本(TXT 记录)部分中,点击编辑 TXT 记录

  6. 在第一个空白托管商字段中,输入 @

  7. 文本字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  8. 点击继续

  9. 点击保存更改

将 TXT 记录添加到 Register

  1. 登录您的 Register 账户。

  2. 在“我的产品和服务”部分中,点击我的域名

  3. 在要验证的域名的管理部分中,点击编辑高级 DNS 记录

  4. 更新高级 DNS 部分,点击编辑 TXT 记录

  5. 在将托管商设置为 @ 的记录中,在文本字段中输入从后台复制的 TXT 值。

  6. 点击继续

  7. 点击保存更改

将 TXT 记录添加到 Blacknight Solutions

  1. 登录您的 Blacknight 账户。

  2. 网站页面上,点击要验证的域名。

  3. 点击 DNS

  4. 点击 DNS 记录

  5. 点击添加新 DNS 记录

  6. 从下拉菜单中选择 TXT

  7. 数据字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

将 TXT 记录添加到 HostGator

  1. 登录您的 HostGator 账户。

  2. 点击启动 cPanel

  3. 域名部分中,点击高级区域编辑器

  4. 类型列表中,选择 TXT

  5. 名称字段中,输入您的域名。

  6. 在 TXT 数据字段中,输入您从 Shopify 后台复制的 TXT 值。

  7. 点击添加记录


验证域名的所有权后,系统会定期检查 TXT 记录,以确保该域名仍归您的组织所有。

如果您的域名中缺少 TXT 记录的时间达到 30 天,您将收到一封电子邮件来提示您重新添加。如果在电子邮件发送后 10 天内,您的域名中仍未添加 TXT 记录,您的域名状态将改为未验证。如果域名处于未验证状态,则无法使用 SAML 身份验证和重置两步验证。




  1. 确认使用 SAML 身份验证的所有用户均未将 Shopify ID 或邮箱与要删除的域名进行关联。

  2. 确认您的 SAML 身份验证未设置为必需

  3. 在您的 Shopify 组织后台中,前往用户 > 安全

  4. 域名验证部分中,点击删除图标。


Verifying your domain

Verifying ownership of your domain is a process that lets you prove ownership of email domains that are associated with users in your organization. After you've verified ownership of a domain, you can take advantage of the following security features:

  • SAML authentication

  • SCIM user management

  • Resetting two-step authentication

On this page

  • Before you verify your domain

  • Verifying your domain

  • Adding a TXT record

  • After you verify your domain

  • Remove domains

Before you verify your domain

Before you verify your domain, consider the following tasks.

Set up interim security measures

Verifying ownership of your organization's domain is a process that can take a few days. If you plan to set up SAML authentication or SCIM user management, then consider setting up alternate means of authentication in the meantime, such as requiring two-factor authentication.

Review your domains

Domains are only associated with one organization. Use domains that are exclusive to your organization for domain verification. If you verify ownership of a domain that is also being used by another organization, then the other organization can no longer verify that domain.

For example, assume that your organization is a subsidiary of a larger entity, both of which use Shopify. You might have users whose logins are based on email addresses from your organization, as well as users whose logins are based on email addresses from the parent company. If you set up verification for the domain that is shared by your subsidiary organization and your parent company, then the parent company's domain would become unavailable for use by any other organization that uses Shopify. In this case, you should only use the domain that is registered to your subsidiary organization.

If you have users who are associated with a domain that is needed for another organization in Shopify, then don't claim that domain. Requests for ownership verification for these scenarios are reviewed manually, and are likely to be declined.

You can't verify a domain that's available to the general public, such as

Verifying your domain

Verifying your domain requires the User management access.


  1. In your Shopify organization admin, go to Users > Security.

  2. In the Domain verification section, click Add domain.

  3. Enter the name of your domain, and then click Next.

  4. Click the Copy button to copy the TXT value.

  5. Log in to the account that you have with your domain provider and paste the TXT value that you copied.

  6. Click Request verification.

The domain is now in Pending status. The process of verifying your domain can take a few days. After the process is complete, the status of your domain is updated to Verified or Not verified, and you're sent a notification email with more information. If you think your domain has been rejected in error, or if you encounter issues verifying your domain, then contact Shopify Plus Support.

If you plan to use SAML authentication for users in your organization, then you can start setting up your SAML configuration. You don't have to wait until your domain is verified.

Adding a TXT record

The process for making changes to your DNS settings varies from provider to provider. In general, you should be able to access the TXT record by finding your DNS settings, domain management area, DNS configuration, or something similar.

Adding a TXT record to Shopify domains

If you purchased your domain from Shopify, then add a TXT record in the Domains section of your Shopify admin.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Domains.

  2. In the Shopify-managed domains section, click the name of the domain that you want to verify.

  3. Click DNS Settings.

  4. Click Add custom record, and then select the record type.

  5. In the Name field, do one of the following:

    • If you're verifying your primary domain, then enter @.

    • If you're verifying a subdomain, then only enter the subdomain name. For example, if your subdomain is, then enter retail.

  6. In the TXT Value field, enter the TXT value copied from the admin.

  7. Click Confirm.

Adding a TXT record to third-party domains

The process for adding a TXT record to your DNS settings varies depending on the domain provider. In general, you should be able to access the TXT record by finding your DNS settings, domain management area, DNS configuration, or similar.

The following are some steps for specific domain providers. If your domain provider doesn't appear in this list, or if you can't add a TXT record, then contact your provider for assistance.

1&1 IONOS123 RegBluehost
Google DomainsOVHNamecheap
Network SolutionsRegisterBlacknight Solutions

Add a TXT record to 1&1 IONOS

  1. Log in to your 1&1 IONOS account.

  2. In the Your domain section, click Manage Domain.

  3. Click DNS.

  4. Click TXT.

  5. In the Host Name field, enter @.

  6. In the Value field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  7. Click Save.

Add a TXT record to 123 Reg

  1. Log in to your 123 Reg account.

  2. Click Control Panel.

  3. Select the domain name that you want to verify from the drop-down menu, and then click Manage.

  4. In the advanced domain settings section, click Manage DNS.

  5. Click the Advanced DNS tab.

  6. Select TXT/SPF from the drop-down menu.

  7. In the Host Name field, enter @.

  8. In the Destination TXT field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  9. Click Add.

Add a TXT record to Bluehost

  1. Log in to your Bluehost account.

  2. Click the Domains tab.

  3. Next to the domain name that you want to verify, click Manage, and then select DNS.

  4. Next to the TXT(Text) section, click Add record.

  5. In the Host Record field, enter @.

  6. In the TXT Value field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  7. Click Save.

Add a TXT record to

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Click Manage on the domain name that you want to verify.

  3. Click DNS & Nameservers.

  4. Click DNS Records.

  5. Click Add DNS record.

  6. Click the button next to TXT.

  7. In the Name field, enter @.

  8. In the Content field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  9. Click Save.

Add a TXT record to Enom

  1. Log in to your Enom account.

  2. Click Domains.

  3. Click My domains.

  4. Click the domain name that you want to verify.

  5. Click Host records.

  6. Click New row.

  7. In the Host Name field, enter @.

  8. In the Record Type drop-down menu, select TXT.

  9. In the Address field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  10. Click Save.

Add a TXT record to GoDaddy

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account.

  2. On the My products page, click DNS beside the domain name that you want to verify.

  3. Click Add.

  4. From the Type list, select TXT.

  5. In the Host field, enter @.

  6. In the TXT Value field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  7. Click Save.

Add a TXT record to Google Domains

  1. Log in to your Google Domains account.

  2. Click the domain name that you want to verify.

  3. Click the menu button.

  4. Click DNS.

  5. Go to the Custom resource records section.

  6. In the Name field, enter @.

  7. In the Type menu, select TXT.

  8. In the Text field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  9. Click Add.

Add a TXT record to OVH

  1. Log in to your OVH account.

  2. In the My products and services section, click the domain name that you want to verify.

  3. Click Add an entry.

  4. Select TXT as the record type.

  5. In the Value field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Click Confirm.

Add a TXT record to Namecheap

  1. Log in to your Namecheap account.

  2. Next to the domain that you want to verify, click Manage.

  3. Click Advanced DNS.

  4. In the Host Records section, click Add New Record.

  5. Select TXT as the record type.

  6. In the Host field, enter @.

  7. In the Value field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  8. Click Save All Changes.

Add a TXT record to Network Solutions

  1. Log in to your Network Solutions account.

  2. In the My Domain Names section, click Edit DNS.

  3. Click Change Where Domain Points.

  4. Select Advanced DNS and click Continue.

  5. In the Text(TXT Records) section, click Edit TXT Records.

  6. In the first blank Host field, enter @.

  7. In the Text field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. Click Save Changes.

Add a TXT record to Register

  1. Log in to your Register account.

  2. In the My Products & Services section, click My Domain Names.

  3. In the Manage section of the domain that you want to verify, click Edit Advanced DNS Records.

  4. In the Update Advanced DNS section, click Edit TXT Records.

  5. In the record where Host is set to @, enter the TXT value copied from the admin in the Text field.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. Click Save changes.

Add a TXT record to Blacknight Solutions

  1. Log in to your Blacknight account.

  2. On the Websites page, click the domain that you want to verify.

  3. Click DNS.

  4. Click DNS records.

  5. Click Add New DNS Record.

  6. Select TXT from the drop-down menu.

  7. In the data field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

Add a TXT record to HostGator

  1. Log in to your HostGator account.

  2. Click Launch cPanel.

  3. In the Domains section, click Advanced Zone Editor.

  4. From the Type list, select TXT.

  5. In the Name field, enter your domain name.

  6. In the TXT Data field, enter the TXT value that you copied from the Shopify admin.

  7. Click Add Record.

After you verify your domain

After you have verified ownership of a domain, the TXT record is is periodically checked to ensure that the domain is still owned by your organization.

If the TXT record has been missing from your your domain for 30 days, then you receive an email prompting you to re-add it. If a TXT record has not been added to your domain within 10 days of the email, then your domain status changes to Unverified. SAML authentication and resetting two-step authentication can't be used if your domain is Unverified.

Remove domains

If you no longer require a domain, or if you have added one in error, then you can remove it.


  1. Verify that no users who use SAML authentication have a Shopify ID or email address associated with the domain to be removed.

  2. Verify that your SAML authentication is not set to Required.

  3. In your Shopify organization admin, go to Users > Security.

  4. In the Domain verification section, click the delete icon.













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21 Oct 2022
By 迷人占有欲