管理Shopify Balance账户交易

By 猎艳

管理 Shopify Balance 账户交易

通过使用 Shopify Balance,您可以在 Shopify 后台中进行资金转账、查看账户交易限制以及导出交易以在会计软件中使用。

若要了解有关 Shopify Balance 账户的详细信息,请参阅管理您的账户。若要了解有关 Shopify Balance 卡的详细信息,请参阅管理您的卡。若要详细了解奖励计划,请参阅 Shopify Balance 奖励。


  • Shopify Balance 账户交易限制

  • 向您的 Shopify Balance 账户转入资金或从中转出资金

  • 导出交易

Shopify Balance 账户交易限制

Shopify Balance 账户具有针对不同交易类型的每日消费限额。每日消费限额在午夜 (UTC) 重置。每日限额基于授权日期,而不是处理日期。例如,如果您在星期一授权一笔交易,但交易于星期二处理,则该交易仍会计入星期一的每日限额。


您可以查看针对购买和 ATM 提款的 Balance 卡限额。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance。

  2. 点击管理卡或管理账户。

  3. 在卡管理下,点击要查看的卡。


您可以查看 Balance 账户的转账限额。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance。

  2. 点击转移资金。


向您的 Shopify Balance 账户转入资金或从中转出资金


向您的 Shopify Balance 账户转入资金

  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance。

  2. 点击转移资金。

  3. 可选:在向 Balance 中添加资金下,点击剪贴板图标以复制 Shopify Balance 账户的详细信息。

  4. 登录您想从中提取资金的现有商店或常规银行账户。

  5. 遵循银行的常规流程,按照 Shopify Balance 账户详细信息将资金转出银行。

从您的 Shopify Balance 账户转账

  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance。

  2. 点击转移资金。

  3. 在余额转账部分,输入转账详细信息。

  4. 可选:点击添加账户,以创建新的收款人。您需要拥有收款人账号和银行路线号码才能转账。

  5. 可选:输入描述。描述将显示在收款人的账户中。

  6. 点击下一步。

  7. 确认详细信息无误,然后点击转账。



您可以将已入账的 Shopify Balance 账户交易导出到 CSV 文件,以在会计软件中使用。待处理交易不会导出。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到财务 > Balance。

  2. 在账户活动卡上,点击导出。

  3. 选择导出日期范围。

  4. 点击导出 CSV。

导出交易后,CSV 文件中将包含以下列:



Managing your Shopify Balance account transactions

With Shopify Balance, you can transfer funds, view your account transaction limits, and export transactions for your accounting software from your Shopify admin.

To learn more about your Shopify Balance account, refer to managing your account. To learn more about your Shopify Balance card, refer to managing your card. To learn more about the rewards program, refer to the Shopify Balance rewards.

On this page

  • Shopify Balance account transaction limits

  • Transferring funds to or from your Shopify Balance account

  • Exporting transactions

Shopify Balance account transaction limits

Your Shopify Balance account has daily spending limits for different transaction types. Daily spending limits are reset at midnight UTC. Daily limits are based on the authorization date, not the processing date. For example, if you authorize a transaction on Monday, but it's processed on Tuesday, then that transaction still counts toward Monday's daily limit.

View transaction limits

You can view the Balance card limits for purchases and ATM withdrawals.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. Click Manage cards or Manage account.

  3. Under Card management, click the card that you want to view.

View transfer limits

You can view the Balance account limits for money transfers.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. Click Move money.

Your daily limit is displayed under Amount.

Transferring funds to or from your Shopify Balance account

Transfers are sent immediately, but they can take up to three business days to be delivered. You can see your remaining daily transfer limit on the Move money page. You can currently transfer funds only in USD.

Transferring funds to your Shopify Balance account

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. Click Move money.

  3. Optional: Under Add funds to Balance, click the clipboard icon to copy your Shopify Balance account details.

  4. Log in to your existing business or regular bank account where you'd like to draw the money from.

  5. Go through your bank's regular process to transfer money out of the bank using your Shopify Balance account details.

Transferring funds from your Shopify Balance account

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. Click Move money.

  3. Under Transfer funds from Balance, enter the transfer details.

  4. Optional: Click Add an account to create a new recipient. You need to have the account number and routing number for the payee in order to transfer funds.

  5. Optional: Enter a description. The description will appear on the recipient's account.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Confirm that the details are accurate, and then click Transfer funds.

For security reasons, you might receive a prompt to authenticate your account again.

Exporting transactions

You can export your posted Shopify Balance account transactions into a CSV file to use with your accounting software. Pending transactions aren't exported.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Finances > Balance.

  2. On the Account activity card, click Export.

  3. Select the date range to export.

  4. Click Export as CSV.

The following columns are in the CSV file when you export transactions:

transaction_dateThe date that the transaction was authorized. Due to the time required to process the transaction, this date may be different than when the transaction is completed.
posted_atThe date that the transaction completed. Due to the time required to process the transaction, this date may be different than when you authorized the transaction. Pending transactions are not displayed.
descriptionA brief description of the transaction.
amountThe value of the transaction. Negative values represent money going out of your account. Positive values represent money coming into your account.




我如何在Shopify Balance查看我的账户余额和交易记录?


我如何从Shopify Balance提现资金?


