设置 Avalara 税务代码 shopify税务代码设置

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设置 Avalara 税务代码

将 Avalara AvaTax 账户与 Shopify 连接后,您可以为您的产品设置 Avalara 税务代码。通过设置税务代码,您可以使用 Avalara 的服务在您的商店中收取税费,而不是使用 Shopify 的内置税费计算引擎。


  • 默认税务代码

  • 设置税率

  • 设置产品的 AvaTax 代码

  • 为多种产品和多属性应用税务代码


Avalara AvaTax 税务代码是您能够应用于商店中的产品和多属性的唯一标签。税务代码可以识别产品所属的类别,并根据产品售出的地点确定适用于产品的税费规则。

开始使用 Avalara AvaTax 时,最初会向您的产品分配代码 P000000,即默认税务代码。如果您销售的产品或服务需要使用其他代码,则可以更改这些产品的税务代码。


在您开始配置 Avalara AvaTax 税务代码之前,请务必在 Shopify 后台和 Avalara 账户中完整以下任务:

  • 在 Shopify 后台内设置您的税率。如果 Avalara 服务暂时不可用,则 Shopify 的税务设置将提供产品和运费的税率。

  • 在您的 Avalara AvaTax 账户中,设置您的联结管辖区,以便告知 Avalara AvaTax 您的公司将在何时何地计算并报告税费。如果您在管辖区内进行销售,但未在 Avalara AvaTax 中设置这些管辖区,则税费计算结果返回的值将为零。

  • 如果您使用 Shopify POS 在不同地点进行销售,则需要在 Avalara AvaTax 中完成以下任务:

  • 验证您在 Shopify 和 Avalara AvaTax 中提供的所有必要税务信息是否相同。

设置产品的 AvaTax 代码

AvaTax 会为您 Shopify 商店中的每个产品添加默认税务代码。实体商品的默认税务代码为 P000000。

对于 Shopify 后台内的每个产品或多属性,请确保将税务代码设置为产品的 Avalara 税务代码。


  1. 在 Avalara AvaTax 系统中查找产品的税务代码。

  2. 在您的 Shopify 后台中,转到产品并点击产品。

  3. 定价部分中,点击税务代码字段,然后输入相应的税务代码。

  1. 单击保存


通过使用 Shopify 后台 API 中的产品或产品多属性资源,或者使用 Shopify 后台内的产品批量编辑器,一次性为多个产品和多属性应用税务代码。

以下示例将税务代码 PC040101 添加到了“Acme Apron”多属性:

PUT /admin/variants/variant[id]:

{ "variant": { "option1": "Acme Apron", "price": "99.00", "tax_code":"PC040101" } }

以下示例将税务代码 PC040413 添加到了产品多属性 Youth:

{ "product": { "title": "Tests-12345", "body_html": "Hi", "vendor": "Burton", "product_type": "Snowboard boots", "variants": [ { "option1": "Youth", "price": "10.00", "sku": 123, "tax_code": "PC040413" }, { "option1": "Adult", "price": "20.00", "sku": "123" } ] } }


Set up your Avalara tax codes

After you connect your Avalara AvaTax account to Shopify, you can set up the Avalara tax codes for your products. Setting up tax codes enables you to charge taxes in your store using Avalara's services, instead of Shopify's built-in tax engine.

On this page

  • Default tax codes

  • Set up your tax rates

  • Set the AvaTax code for a product

  • Apply tax codes for multiple products and variants

Default tax codes

Avalara AvaTax tax codes are unique labels that you apply to the products and variants in your store. Tax codes identify the category that a product belongs to and determines the tax rules that apply to a product, based on the location in which it's sold.

When you start using Avalara AvaTax, your products are initially assigned the code P000000, the default tax code. If you're selling products or services that need to use a different code, then you can change the tax code for those products.

Set up your tax rates

Before you start configuring your Avalara AvaTax tax codes, make sure that you complete the following tasks in your Shopify admin and in your Avalara account:

  • In your Shopify admin, set up your tax rates . If Avalara's service is temporarily unavailable, then Shopify's tax settings will provide the tax rates for your products and shipping.

  • In your Avalara AvaTax account, set up your nexus jurisdictions to inform Avalara AvaTax when and where your company will calculate and report tax. If you make sales in jurisdictions that you haven't set up in Avalara AvaTax, then the resulting tax calculation will return a value of zero.

  • If you use Shopify POS to sell in different locations, then you need to do the following tasks in Avalara AvaTax:

    • Add a company location for your Shopify POS.

    • Add a nexus jurisdiction for your Shopify POS.

  • Verify that all the necessary tax information that you've provided is the same in both Shopify and Avalara AvaTax.

Set the AvaTax code for a product

AvaTax adds a default tax code to each product in your Shopify store. The default tax code for physical goods is P000000.

For each product or variant in your Shopify admin, make sure that the Tax code is set to the Avalara tax code for that product.


  1. Look up the tax codes for your product in the Avalara AvaTax System.

  2. In your Shopify admin, go to Products and click the product.

  3. In the Pricing section, click the Tax code field and enter the appropriate tax code.

  1. Click Save.

Apply tax codes for multiple products and variants

Apply tax codes to multiple products and variants at the same time by using the Product or Product variant resources in the Shopify Admin API, or by using the Bulk Editor for Products in your Shopify admin.

In the following example, the tax code PC040101 is added to the Acme Apron variant:

PUT /admin/variants/variant[id]:

{ "variant": { "option1": "Acme Apron", "price": "99.00", "tax_code":"PC040101" } }

In the following example, the tax code PC040413 is added to the product variant Youth:

{ "product": { "title": "Tests-12345", "body_html": "Hi", "vendor": "Burton", "product_type": "Snowboard boots", "variants": [ { "option1": "Youth", "price": "10.00", "sku": 123, "tax_code": "PC040413" }, { "option1": "Adult", "price": "20.00", "sku": "123" } ] } }










