Shopify德国的 TSE 合规

By 吃货最怕做饿梦

德国的 TSE 合规

从 2021 年 4 月 1 日起,所有德国零售商家必须遵守德国的新 KassenSichV 法规。此法规适用于在德国当面销售以及使用数字收银机接受现金付款的所有商家此法规规定,出于审计目的,商家必须将电子收银机连接到技术安全系统 (TSE)。

您可以使用 Shopify 应用商店中的 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用来帮助遵守 TSE 规定。对于每月订阅费,TSE (KassenSichV) 应用在外部云存储位置存储所有与财务相关的店内交易。外部云存储解决方案由第三方合规性服务提供商 Fiskaly 提供。

使用您的税务信息和相关零售商店地点设置 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用后,您可以根据税务机关的要求(出于审计目的)导出 TSE 数据。


  • 认证

  • 订阅定价

  • 用于结账和退款的 Shopify POS 集成

  • 安装 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用

  • 设置 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用

  • 修改 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用设置

  • 管理您的有效地点

  • 使用 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用导出 TSE 信息

  • 在 DSFinV-K 导出文件中导出信息


TSE (KassenSichV) 应用是一个合规的解决方案,并且支持认证的 TSE。


商家需要每月为每个商店地点支付 9 美元订阅费。此费用不包含在 POS Pro 或 POS Lite 订阅费之内。

费用自安装之日起通过 Shopify 应用商店计费系统开始计算。

用于结账和退款的 Shopify POS 集成

TSE (KassenSichV) 应用支持 Shopify POS Lite、Shopify POS Pro 和 Shopify Plus 商家。若要启用与 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用的集成,您需要将 POS 应用更新为最新版本。

零售商店地点激活 TSE 支持后,TSE 信息将打印在客户收据上。您可以将任何受支持的收据打印机 与全新 Shopify POS 一起使用。

如果您允许 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用与零售商店地点的可用设备进行集成,那么您可以在任何商店收银机处打印包含适用的 TSE 信息的收据。

安装 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用

您可以在 Shopify 应用商店中安装 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用。

  1. 转到 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用页面。

  2. 单击添加应用。如果您未登录 Shopify 账户,则系统会提示您登录。

  3. 点击安装应用

设置 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用

安装 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用后,您需要提供增值税号和税号 (TIN)。

  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击应用

  2. 点击 TSE (KassenSichV)

  3. 点击设置 TSE

  4. 输入您的增值税号税号 (TIN),然后点击下一步

  5. 选择您进行零售交易(包括退款和换货)的所有商店地点,然后点击确认

  6. 批准订阅页面上,查看您的订阅费用以及账单频率。

  7. 点击批准订阅可确认您的订阅。

修改 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用设置

如有必要,您可以修改您的增值税号和税号 (TIN)。

  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击应用

  2. 点击 TSE (KassenSichV)

  3. 点击设置

  4. 税务识别码部分,更新您的增值税号税号 (TIN)

  5. 点击保存


您可以管理要在 TSE 合规性导出文件中使用的有效商店地点列表。您应激活您进行零售交易(包括退款和换货)的所有地点。

  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击应用

  2. 点击 TSE (KassenSichV)

  3. 您的地点部分,点击管理 TSE

  4. 通过选择和取消选择商店地点来添加或删除有效地点。每个商店地点的订阅费用都会列出。

  5. 点击保存

  6. 批准订阅页面上,查看您的订阅费用以及账单频率。

  7. 点击批准订阅可确认您的订阅。

使用 TSE (KassenSichV) 应用导出 TSE 信息

您可以按税务机关的要求(出于审计目的)导出 TSE 数据。TSE 导出数据将通过电子邮件发送给您。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击应用

  2. 点击 TSE (KassenSichV)

  3. 导出 TSE 数据部分,选择要导出的日期范围,然后点击应用

  4. 点击导出

在 DSFinV-K 导出文件中导出信息

您可以按税务机关的要求(出于审计目的)在 DSFinV-K (Digitale Schnittstelle der Finanzverwaltung für Kassensysteme) 中导出 TSE 数据。TSE 导出数据将通过电子邮件发送给您。


  1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击  > 设置

  2. 点击管理已连接的硬件并选择该设备。

  3. 在 DSFinV-K 导出旁边的硬件详情屏幕中,点击开始导出

  4. 为导出文件选择正确的时间范围和邮箱。

  5. 点击导出


TSE Compliance in Germany

From April 1, 2021, all German retail merchants must comply with the new KassenSichV regulation in Germany. This regulation impacts all merchants in Germany who sell in-person and have a digital cash register that accepts cash payments. Under this regulation, merchants are required to connect electronic cash registers to a technical security system (TSE) for auditing purposes.

You can use the TSE (KassenSichV) app from the Shopify App Store to help comply with the TSE regulation. For a monthly subscription fee, the TSE (KassenSichV) app stores all financially relevant in-store transactions on an external cloud storage location. The external cloud storage solution is provided by Fiskaly, a third-party compliance service provider.

After you set up the TSE (KassenSichV) app with your tax information and the relevant retail store locations, you can export your TSE data as required for auditing purposes by the tax authorities.

On this page

  • Certification

  • Subscription Pricing

  • Shopify POS integration for checkouts and refunds

  • Install the TSE (KassenSichV) app

  • Set up TSE (KassenSichV) app

  • Modify your TSE (KassenSichV) app settings

  • Manage your active locations

  • Export TSE information using the TSE (KassenSichV) app

  • Export information in a DSFinV-K export


The TSE (KassenSichV) app is a compliant solution and supports certified TSEs.

Subscription Pricing

Merchants pay a monthly subscription fee of $9 USD per store location. This fee is in addition to your POS Pro or POS Lite subscription fees.

Charges are billed based on the date of installation through the Shopify App Store billing system.

Shopify POS integration for checkouts and refunds

TSE (KassenSichV) app supports Shopify POS Lite, Shopify POS Pro, and Shopify Plus merchants. To enable integration with the TSE (KassenSichV) app, you need to update your POS app to the latest version.

When retail store locations have TSE support activated, the TSE information is printed on customer receipts. You can use any supported receipt printer with your all-new Shopify POS.

If you allow permission for the TSE (KassenSichV) app to integrate with available devices at a retail store location, then you can print receipts with applicable TSE information at any of your store registers.

Install the TSE (KassenSichV) app

You can install the TSE (KassenSichV) app from the Shopify App Store.

  1. Go to the TSE (KassenSichV) app page.

  2. Click Add app. If you aren't logged into your Shopify account, then you are prompted to log in.

  3. Click Install app.

Set up TSE (KassenSichV) app

After you install the TSE (KassenSichV) app, you need to provide your VAT ID and Tax number (TIN).

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps.

  2. Click TSE (KassenSichV).

  3. Click Set up TSE.

  4. Enter your VAT ID and Tax number (TIN), and then click Next.

  5. Select all store locations where you make retail transactions, including refunds and exchanges, and then click Confirm.

  6. On the Approve subscription page, review your subscription charges and billing frequency.

  7. Click Approve subscription to confirm your subscription.

Modify your TSE (KassenSichV) app settings

If necessary, you can modify your VAT ID and Tax number (TIN).

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps.

  2. Click TSE (KassenSichV).

  3. Click Settings.

  4. In the Tax identifier section, update your VAT ID and Tax number (TIN).

  5. Click Save.

Manage your active locations

You can manage the list of active store locations to use in your TSE compliance exports. You should activate all locations where you make retail transactions, including refunds and exchanges.

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps.

  2. Click TSE (KassenSichV).

  3. In the Your locations section, click Manage TSE.

  4. Add or remove active locations by selecting and deselecting store locations. Subscription charges are listed for each store location.

  5. Click Save.

  6. On the Approve subscription page, review your subscription charges and billing frequency.

  7. Click Approve subscription to confirm your subscription.

Export TSE information using the TSE (KassenSichV) app

You can export your TSE data as required for auditing purposes by the tax authorities. TSE data exports are emailed to you.


  1. From your Shopify admin, click Apps.

  2. Click TSE (KassenSichV).

  3. In the Export TSE data section, select the date range to export, and then click Apply.

  4. Click Export.

Export information in a DSFinV-K export

You can export your TSE data in a DSFinV-K (Digitale Schnittstelle der Finanzverwaltung für Kassensysteme) export as required for auditing purposes by the tax authorities. TSE data exports are emailed to you.


  1. From Shopify POS, tap  > Settings.

  2. Tap Manage connected hardware and select the device.

  3. On the Hardware details screen next to DSFinV-K export, tap Initiate export.

  4. Select the correct time frame and email for the export.

  5. Tap Export.





是的,如果您的Shopify店铺面向德国客户销售商品,则需要获得TSE证书。TSE(Trusted Shops)是德国最重要的电子商务信任标志计划。获得TSE证书可以提高购物者对您店铺的信任度。


您可以登录Shopify管理面板,点击\"Apps\",搜索\"Trusted Shops\",然后安装该插件。安装后,它会带您进行TSE证书的在线申请流程。申请通过后,Shopify店铺会自动获得TSE标志,表明已通过Trustd Shops的验证。整个流程大约需要2-4个星期。


是的,TSE证书的有效期为1年。每年证书到期前,Trustd Shops会发送邮件提示您进行证书续期。续期费用一般比初期申请费用便宜一些。只要按时续期,就可以使Shopify店铺一直保持TSE认证的身份。




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Shopify德国的 TSE 合规

21 Oct 2022
By 吃货最怕做饿梦