
By 话题终结者


3. wish商户验证店铺后,点击“税务设置”开始。

4. 在随后出现的页面上,选中“我需要 Wish 代收欧盟用户的增值税”复选框。然后商户会看到两个欧盟税务设置选项:

  • 提供一个欧盟国家/地区一站式服务 (OSS) 注册号 - 继续执行第 5a 步。

  • 提供要设置税务信息的所有欧盟国家/地区的增值税号码 - 继续执行第 5b 步。

5a. 点击“是”,表示商户拥有增值税)。从下拉列表中选择商户的 OSS 注册国/地区,然后在相应字段中输入 OSS 注册号。点击“继续”。


5b. 点击“否”,表示商户没有增值税并缴纳给欧盟税务机构,Wish 将不会为其计算和代收。

  • 如果选择“查看税务设置详情”,该行将展开并显示欧盟税务信息。您也可以点击“欧盟”一行左侧的箭头查看税务信息。

  • 11. 最后,税务报告功能将保持不变,但每笔交易的货币将取决于 OSS 注册国/地区(若商户使用 OSS 注册号设置税务信息,如上文所述),或增值税登记国/地区(若商户使用特定欧盟目的国/地区的增值税号码设置税务信息)。

     注意:拥有 Merchant Plus 平台访问权限的商户可通过 https://merchant.wish.com/tax/settings 访问新的欧盟税务设置。


    3. Once merchants have validated their store, click “Set up taxes'' to get started.

    4. On the page that follows, check the “I want Wish to collect taxes from European Union (EU) customers” box. Merchants then have two options to set up EU Tax Settings:

    • Provide a One Stop Shop (OSS) number for one EU country - proceed to step 5a for next steps.

    • Provide VAT numbers for all EU countries you wish to set up Tax Settings for - proceed to step 5b for next steps.

    5a. Click Yes, indicating that merchants have an OSS number for EU VAT purposes. Merchants with an OSS number will only need to provide their OSS number for one EU country - OSS registration enables VAT collection from all EU countries at once. Select merchants' Country of OSS registration from the dropdown, and provide the OSS number in the corresponding field. Click “Continue” to proceed.

    See step to proceed.

    5b. Click No, indicating that merchants do not have an OSS number for EU VAT purposes. Select all EU destination countries merchants intend to set up Tax Settings for, and click “Continue” to proceed.

    On the next page, provide VAT numbers for the selected EU countries and click “Continue” to proceed to Step 6 below.

    6. View a summary of the tax information you have entered. Click the checkbox at the bottom to agree that merchants are responsible for the accuracy of any information they have provided and for the collection, reporting, and payment of all taxes to the appropriate authorities, and to agree to the terms set forth in the Wish Merchant Tax Policy.

    7. In the following popup modal, click “Confirm” to submit your tax settings.

    8. Merchants will be returned to the Tax Settings homepage. If merchants completed the setup flow using an OSS number, they will see “Pending” display under the “Status” column in the “European Union” row. If merchants click the arrow next to this row, they will see the OSS details they provided:

    If merchants completed the setup flow using VAT numbers, they can click the arrow next to “European Union” to see a status column for the individual EU countries they provided VAT numbers for:

    This indicates that merchants have successfully submitted their information, which is pending review. The setup will be subject to review by Wish for validity before it becomes active.

    9. Once merchants' tax information has been successfully verified, their “Status” will display as “Active”, indicating their EU Tax Settings are now active.

    10. If merchants click the tripled-dotted icon to the right of the pencil icon in the “European Union” row, they can select “Cancel tax setup” or “View tax setup details”.

    • Selecting “Cancel tax setup” will result in EU domiciled merchants and non-EU domiciled merchants with EU establishment shipping orders within the EU being responsible for calculating and collecting VAT without relying on Wish's Tax Settings support before remitting VAT to the EU tax authorities.

    • If merchants select “View tax setup details”, the row will expand to display their tax information for the EU. Merchants can also view their tax information by clicking the arrow to the left of the “European Union” row.

    11. Last but not least, the tax report functionality will remain as is, but the currency of each transaction will be determined by the country of OSS registration (when the OSS number is used by merchants to set up Tax Settings, as detailed above) or by the destination country of VAT registration (when the VAT number of a specific EU destination country is used by merchants to set up Tax Settings).


    NOTE: Merchants with access to Merchant Plus dashboard may access the new EU Tax Settings by visiting https://merchant.wish.com/tax/settings directly.










