
By 举一反三

帮助受众找到您商品的 7 种方式

  1. 制作预告片:通过在正式发布商品前一周于社交渠道上宣布商品即将面世,激发您的受众产生兴趣并开始为商品建立搜索排名。请勿包含任何链接,但在图片中包含亚马逊徽标可便于受众讨论商品并进行搜索。
  2. 在所有社交渠道和网站上正式宣布您的商品:使用专门的网站和社交渠道,让您的受众了解您的新商品店铺。在所有营销活动中添加指向店铺页面的链接,以确保受众知道在何处购买您的商品。
  3. 在拥有的所有社交渠道和网站上更新店铺页面链接:使用指向店铺页面的链接更新您的社交媒体资讯和网站说明。这将有助于为您的店铺带来稳定的访问流量,即使没有发表相关帖子,流量也不受影响。
  4. 发表和分享来自受众的内容:当您从受众群体中看到与您的商品有关的内容时,请重新发表此内容,将赞美之词传播到您所在的各种社交渠道。
  5. 推出品牌推广和赞助商品广告:通过按点击付费品牌推广和赞助商品广告,帮助更多购物者发现并购买您的商品。这些广告是推动销量提升和提高品牌知名度的有用工具。若要开始使用这些广告,请访问亚马逊上的广告。
  6. 穿戴您的商品:在社交帖子、视频和活动中穿戴或使用您喜欢的商品(即使您当时并没有主动推广您的商品)。这是一种出色的营销方法,可在提升品牌意识的同时向受众展示您的设计。
  7. 不断增加可供选择的商品并维持品牌意识:设置月度提醒以每月新增 20 款商品,并在发布这些商品后每月完成至少一次营销活动,以继续推进品牌意识,增加访问流量和提升销售额。



Seven ways to help your audience find your listings

  1. Create a teaser: Excite your audience and begin building your search ranking by announcing what is coming up on your social channels one week before you officially launch. Don't include any links, but including an Amazon logo in your imagery can be an easy way to get audience talking and searching.
  2. Officially announce your merch on all social channels and websites: Use your dedicated website and social channels to let your audience know about your new merch store. Add a link to your store page in all marketing activations to ensure your audience know where to go to shop.
  3. Update all owned social channels and websites with link to store page: Update your social media bios and website descriptions with a link to your store page. This will help drive steady traffic to your store even on days when you are not posting about it.
  4. Post and share content from your audience: When you see content relating to your merch from your audience, spread the good word to your tribe by reposting their content.
  5. Run Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Product Ads: Help more shoppers discover and buy your merch through pay-per-click Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Product Ads. These ads are useful tools for driving sales and increasing brand awareness. To get started, visit Advertise on Amazon.
  6. Wear your merch: Wear or use your favorite products in social posts, videos, and at events (even if you are not actively promoting your merch at that time). This is a great way to show your audience you stand behind your designs while driving awareness.
  7. Continue to add selection and maintain awareness: Set a monthly reminder to add 20 new products a month and complete at least one marketing activation per month post-launch to continue to drive awareness, traffic, and sales to your listings.





如何提高商品 listing 的吸引力?

listing 标题关键字捆绑,图片清晰大图,全面描述商品的主要特征与优点,同时注意价格和运费设置的合理性。





